Sweet Balsam Scented Matches
by Skeem Design
These extra long 5 inch matches not only light candles in style, but they will also infuse the entire room with their own scent of grapefruit, cedar wood and pine. Beautiful foil-printed tube with wooden lid includes a striker on the back.

by Skeem Design These extra long 5 inch matches not only light candles in style, but they will also infuse the entire room with their own scent of grapefruit, cedar wood and pine. Beautiful foil-printed tube with wooden lid includes a striker on the back.
by Skeem Design
These extra long 5 inch matches not only light candles in style, but they will also infuse the entire room with their own scent of grapefruit, cedar wood and pine. Beautiful foil-printed tube with wooden lid includes a striker on the back.