Island Wisdom
By Kainoa Daines & Annie Daly
More than just a beautiful paradise, Hawai'i has a rich culture, deeply rooted in tradition. Written by Native Hawaiian and cultural expert Kainoa Daines and journalist Annie Daly, Island Wisdom is an inspirational and rewarding journey through traditional Hawaiian teachings that have stood the test of time, from how to be pono (live a balanced life) every day, to how to mālama 'āina (preserve and protect the land).
By Kainoa Daines & Annie Daly More than just a beautiful paradise, Hawai'i has a rich culture, deeply rooted in tradition. Written by Native Hawaiian and cultural expert Kainoa Daines and journalist Annie Daly, Island Wisdom is an inspirational and rewarding journey through traditional Hawaiian teachings that have stood the test of time, from how to be pono (live a balanced life) every day, to how to mālama 'āina (preserve and protect the land).
By Kainoa Daines & Annie Daly
More than just a beautiful paradise, Hawai'i has a rich culture, deeply rooted in tradition. Written by Native Hawaiian and cultural expert Kainoa Daines and journalist Annie Daly, Island Wisdom is an inspirational and rewarding journey through traditional Hawaiian teachings that have stood the test of time, from how to be pono (live a balanced life) every day, to how to mālama 'āina (preserve and protect the land).